/ 3D Text / Text

3D text allows you to add textual content into your space in real-time, providing a means of communication, labeling, and storytelling. The 3D text can be used in various ways, such as serving as directional signage, providing additional context for an exhibit, or as a part of an interactive experience.

Here's how you can create your text:

By clicking on the text icon in the navigation bar, this will open up the text menu in the left panel of the screen, click ’Add New 3D Text’ and you will trigger the text canvas to appear.

  • Text Box: The starting point for your 3D text, the text box allows you to input the specific words or phrases you wish to bring into three-dimensional life in your space. You will see the text canvas pop up to give you a real time visual of the 3D Text.

When you have typed out your desired text, just drag from the text canvas into your space and you there you have it! You've created your first 3D text in Pluno.

Now you’ve got 3D Text handled, let’s look at how to edit and upgrade your text with a few options! Learn about 3D Text Edit...