/ Assets / Panels

The Panel is your digital billboard, offering a direct channel of communication with your audience. When users interact with an asset, the Panel pops up, serving as a deeper dive into the details you wish to highlight, complete with a call-to-action that can guide your audience to a product or showcase.

Configuring Your Panel

Once you've dropped your asset into the space, select it and it head over to the left panel, where you'll find the 'Panel' tab, here you can find the customisation of your panel.


This allows you to control where the panel will appear on your screen. Set it according to the overall design and convenience of your audience. We've set two pre-set positions for you to choose from.

  • Position: Control the maximum altitude of the hovering movement. A higher setting can give the illusion of an object being lighter or more buoyant.
  • Background Colour: Personalise the backdrop of your Panel to match your aesthetic or brand color scheme. This enhances the visual harmony of your space.
  • Title: This serves as the headline for your Panel. Make it engaging and relevant to instantly captivate your audience's attention.
  • Subtitle: This additional text can provide further context, offer a teasing glimpse of the content, or underline the importance of the Panel's message.
  • Description: This is where you can dive deep into the specifics of your asset or call-to-action. Utilise it to inform, persuade, and connect with your audience.

Enable this to add a Call To Action (CTA) button to your Panel.

  • Text: his is the directive to your audience, making it clear what you want them to do next. Make sure your action words are compelling and to the point.
  • Link: Connect your space to a product page, a showcase, or any URL that you wish your audience to visit next. Use it wisely to guide your user journey in the desired direction.

The Panel is a powerful tool in your space arsenal, helping you articulate your vision and guide your audience engagement effectively.

That’s it for Assets! It’s a lot to take in so take some time to experiment and see how to leverage these features for your own space. When you’re ready, we’ll jump into creating 3D Text to guide your users or contextualise your world! Learn about 3D Text...