/ Build / Design / Inspect

Our design team has ingeniously integrated alternative variables into each module. This infusion of variety adds an extra dimension of flair and customization, enabling you to tailor your space to your aesthetic preferences.

When a module is selected, the left-hand panel automatically surfaces the 'Design' tab. Here, a list of available design variables awaits for you to customise, offering the ability to alter some of the module structures.

It's important to note that not all modules accommodate design variations. If a module doesn't support this feature, the option will be disabled in the inspect section. Now, let's delve into each design variable:

  • Level: This variable facilitates changes in module height, thus adding a layer of depth to your space. To bridge the height difference between level 1 and level 2 modules, connect stair modules logically. Activate this by selecting any module and adjusting the level, which alters the module's height.
  • Floor Frame: Applicable to certain floor designs, this variable lets you enable or disable a floor 'frame', based on your style preference.
  • Roof State: Exclusively applicable to Wall and Arch modules, the 'Roof State' allows you to apply varying roof styles or toggle its open and closed state as you please.
  • Roof Frame: Analogous to the floor frame, this variable, applicable only to walls and arches, lets you enable or disable a 'frame' on the roof.
  • Wall Opening: This variable empowers you to open or close a wall, creating an opening by enabling this function.
  • Wall Frame: When 'Wall State' is enabled, 'Wall Frame' allows you to apply a frame to the wall opening, contributing further to your design intricacy.

That covers everything you need to know about customising your module variables, let’s turn you into a pro by using the module shortcuts! Learn about generating modules...