/ Build / Modules

Modules form the very heart of Pluno. They serve as the foundational building blocks, meticulously crafted and modelled by a expert team of designers, hailing diverse backgrounds in 3D modelling and Architecture. These modules are designed with a singular purpose - to elevate and push the boundaries of your spaces. Blending innovation with functionality, so lets delve deeper into how they work...

Categorised into families, these building blocks serve different functions which are broken down into the following:

  • Walls
  • Columns
  • Arches
  • Floors
  • Stairs
  • Handrails

By accessing the left hand panel, you can explore the wide range of modules and their styling to find the perfect fit for your space. Once you've found the module you're looking for, simply drag and drop it onto the canvas. You can also select multiple 'kites' on the canvas and hit the 'Generate' button to populate the selected area with the chosen module.

These 6 components combined allow for the creation of a fully fledged space which empower creators to shift and push the boundaries of what spaces are capable of.

You’ve got Modules covered, let’s hop into your range of customisation functions to enhance your modules and make them yours! Learn about customising modules...