/ Camera / Edit

Editing your Hotspot’s provides you with precision and control over the exact angle and dimension you want your audience to experience your space in. There are a range of functions to adjust to create the perfect shot.

Let's go through each function:

  • Update Hotspot: This button will allow you to update your existing hotspot position if you want to change it, by adjusting the position and clicking update, you will see the changes reflect in your hotspot panel.
  • Type: Helps you identify which perspective this Hotspot was taken in, you have the three perspectives which are Orbit, First Person and Top View. You can use this to distinguish how and where you placed the hotspot.
  • Field Of View: Tweaks the Hotspot's scope of view, changing how much of your space is visible in the shot and how much depth you wish to apply.
  • Transition Duration: Provides granular control for adjusting the hotspot's play through duration, when you select a Hotspot, there is a transition in effect and you can use this duration control to dictate how long the transition will last. Using this will help you build a smooth or fast paced experience for your space.
  • Transition Delay: Similar to the duration, this function allows you to control when the transition will start. By adding delay, you can ensure that the full scene is captured and shown before the next transition begins. Increase or decreasing this delay will determine how fast the playthrough is.
  • Re-order Hostpots: You can re-order your hotspots by clicking and dragging them around from each other, this will only apply if you have multiple hotspots. Re-ordering them will allow you to choose which hotspots get played first, just drag the desired hotspot and place it above in corresponding order of your choice.

That’s hotspots covered! Now you can move on into the settings where you can control your space details and preferences! Learn about space settings...