/ Build / Canvas

The Canvas is sectioned into 'kite' shapes, offering a spot to place and position your modules by simply selecting from the left hand panel and dragging the chosen module onto the Canvas.

With its interactive nature, you can select multiple 'kites' at once by double clicking a kite (hold the shift key to select multiple) and head over to the left hand panel, choose a module of your liking and click the 'Pen' Icon to open the tab, select the Checkbox and hit the 'Generate ' at the top. The chosen module will now populate the selected area.

For a more hands-on approach, you can opt to manually drag modules from the left panel across the Canvas. Release the left click at your preferred location to drop the module.

Not liking the way it's looking? Even after the module has been placed, you have the freedom to reposition as you wish, simply reselect the module and drag it or hit Ctrl + M to move it to its new location. With our Canvas, your design possibilities are endless.

Located at the top centre of the tool bar, you can change your perspective of the canvas, you can switch between the default ’Orbit’ view, ’First Person Perspective’ and ’Top View’. These perspectives allow you get get a much clearer gauge of the space and will also allow you to experience the space as your users would without having to go into Preview mode.

That’s about it for the Canvas. Everything you build will be based on this foundation, so let’s now dive into more about the modules! Learn about Modules...